mojoe’s avatarmojoe’s Twitter Archive

Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. Warren for VP. Right now. @VP @SenWarren
  2. …Also: #neverTrump… @MoJoe/1593467744216834049
  3. For folks considering mastodon, over the near term I’ll periodically run a routine (like twitodon) search, and follow any who show up as new on mastodon.
  4. Parting thoughts: 1. The combination of uniquely real-time and global connection was what made this the epitome of the Internet. 2. Unbounded capitalism - like all cancers - ruins *everything*. 3. We had society and technology before billionaires, and we’ll have them after.
  5. Ok. That’s enough. F*ck this f*cking guy. I might come back to the party, but not while it’s at his place.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. Sounds about right as a summary of the last 15 years in tech. @MoJoe/2714183
  7. What’s news about this? A billionaire insisting others should have less? An ultra-wealthy capitalist, who thrives on arbitrage rooted in arbitrary uncertainty, attempts to extend precarity to the tech middle class through mindless “austerity”?
  8. Soooooooo obvious Trumpism was only made possible by media exaggeration - especially the @nytimes. Historians will be unpacking the bizarre and incestuous mutual dependency stew of NYC culture / politics / $$ - scaled up to national level through some kind of quantum ego linkage. @JamesFallows/1591815931722104832
  9. It’s mostly cumulative Overton window / field of discourse shift affecting the rhetoric. Libertarianism is rarely about any actuality or reality of policy - more like middle school Ayn Randians who just never got past the fable: now they have newsletters, and people to vote for. @IRHotTakes/1591807587321782275
  10. Sad that shifting expectations / redefinition of normal in western democracies mean simply holding off the takeover of both chambers by active fascists is considered cause for celebration… @BBCBreaking/1591617649481551874
  11. I do still love a good subtweet… Or - this is what you get in a world owned by billionaires. @TheOnion/1590879510651600896
  12. Physics is the same everywhere. The heat isn’t going to be evenly distributed, of course. Nor will the impacts of the heat. But this is still the first genuinely global human-driven phenomenon. Ironically unrecognized: it’s the only truly global manifestation of globalization… @UNEP/1589422514962415617
  13. It’s not old economy: it’s just proving conclusively and undeniably and out loud that any notions of ‘math’ behind this economy are at best a distraction, and more likely an active ruse. @vgr/1588743451407179776
  14. It’s a good night for some Grant Green. Any album will do.
  15. Never forget, this declaration is *value neutral*. @longnow/1588357404726824961
  16. Hmm. LinkedIn feels very ‘Just Say No’ / not noticeably in any meaningful way the lesser of (any, really…) two evils. @PavelASamsonov/1588355545995816960
  17. Capitalism ruins everything, eventually. @MJB_SF/1588355193522880512
  18. I will miss these multidimensional, meta-ironic, subtweets. @HarvardBiz/1588353086141112321
  19. Is the applicant pool for this one different today?
  20. Tip of the iceberg. This is still the flat part of the curve. Wait til we get closer to the elbow. @DrJeffMasters/1586153023235321857
  21. It’s the just the ten-year cycle around VR, playing out vs. the now fully corporatized and capitalized software base stratum. @inkblurt/1586162649280151552
  22. The giant controls crystallized why this whole thing is so deeply disturbing. It’s unheimlich. This metaverse is the Uncanny Valley, but raised to the level of complete environments, not just human(oid)s. @hondanhon/1586147054631677952
  23. …Suddenly, then all at once… @sciam/1583249458862600192
  24. School shootings: why fix a problem, when you can create a product.
  25. Schools of product development. And - looking at deeper aspects of the org - ‘cultures’ of technology, as they’re often described. In truth, what’s described is usually not much deeper than the technology planning ethos. @camerontw/1581822135764275203
  26. Clicks Rule Everything About Me… @MMikeMMa/1580356987358875648
  27. By contrast, it humanity needed less than 10 years to realize nuclear weapons were an existential danger.
  28. Take an shop that labels a bin ‘Ludwig Van Beethoven’ seriously …because that means they also have a bin labeled ‘Camper Van Beethoven’. @andyzax/1576399173997723648
  29. Kevin Bacon was in Queens Logic with Kelly Bishop, who was in A Novel Romance with Matthew Del Negro, who was in a movie — wait for it — that was shot in my apartment: I’m calling it three degrees. @odannyboy/1572748916789227520
  30. Reminds me of some analyses of Roman imperial expansion, which correspond well geographically with the location of significant gold mines in the ancient era.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  31. I think it’s “who” that potential is often lost to that’s worth looking at. Someone’s making the choices of what’s possible, where the frame boundaries are, etc. And while there are systemic factors in play, we can be more specific than ‘b/c capitalism’. @peterme/1571286204217425921
  32. This might prove that you’re right ;). And - logically - that the response pattern is inevitable. @peterme/1571235980702789633
  33. Soon enough, we’ll need these right here on Earth. @TheAtlantic/1569869025798127616
  34. As always, it’s not a bug - it’s a feature. @paolobacigalupi/1569868625250758656
  35. The defining aspect of this era is that awareness is genuinely global, and in real time. @NWS_NTWC/1569864176327327744
  36. It’s the LLM version of hypnosis. @simonw/1569452541842460672
  37. Finally realized why much of the Web3 rhetoric is just so …terrible: it’s 8th-grade level Marxist theory, deconstructing the last 20 years of Internet and tech ‘innovation’ using an amateur Post-modern filter, propelled by transparent mercenary VC shilling. @cburniske/1568412174154084358