mojoe’s avatarmojoe’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,776

      1. …in reply to @stephenanderson
        @stephenanderson Expected nothing less ;) Some examples of the ‘toolboxes’ that inspired my tweet:
    1. …in reply to @MoJoe
      @stephenanderson Most basically, I was reacting to what seems like a shift in the way people / companies / teams / consultants talk about what they do and how (in service of product development) from ‘here’s our process’ to ‘here’s our tooklit’.
  1. …in reply to @MoJoe
    @stephenanderson Might go so far as to say I have a hypothesis that we’re at one of those fulcrum moments around how the work gets done. In the historical structure of disciplines, there’s a recognizable cyclical oscillation of entry points: “We know the process” vs "We know the tools”.
    1. …in reply to @MoJoe
      @stephenanderson It’s the driving factors for the oscillation — how fast, how long to complete a cycle, can you change the pace of or even interrupt the swing, and where the field is at any particular moment — that’s most interesting (to me, when tweeting…).
    2. …in reply to @MoJoe
      @stephenanderson [Here I'm pre-blocking anyone tempted to employ the Cynefin maneuver {how’s that for a generationally triple work score via multi-layered Kevin Bacon / John Cusack ref…} - we know the core pattern in relative character & degrees of domain structuration.].
      1. …in reply to @MoJoe
        @stephenanderson With all those pre-qualifiers - what’s your take? (And, anyone else? {Beuller?})
      2. …in reply to @MoJoe
        @stephenanderson Baseline ingredients are obviously a mixture of change vectors: rise of Lean practices, shifts to outcomes-centric cultures, decentralization of organizations, turbulence in org structures at all levels of scale / the death of hierarchy, network effects, etc.