
A col­lec­tion of pre­sen­ta­tions, work­shops, and tuto­ri­als I’ve deliv­ered at design and tech­nol­ogy events over the past few years.

Selected speaking engagements:

For those who pre­fer lis­ten­ing, links to inter­views I’ve recorded on some of these same top­ics are gath­ered below.

Flying Blind On a Rocket Cycle: Customer Centered Product Strategy For Machine Intelligence

From ProductCamp Boston 2024.

“Using the product strategy cycle as a guide, this session shares a case study on the growth and evolution of B2B product portfolios driven by machine intelligence for a leading SaaS product maker.  This case study reviews a series of new product efforts; outlines the methods, tools, and practices that powered opportunity assessment, product discovery, and strategic planning; traces the evolution of product portfolios; and considers business outcomes from building and growing a portfolio of new analytics products and services for Oracle over the course of several years.”

This case study illustrates and demonstrates:

  • Crafting customer-centered product strategies for new machine intelligence / AI / ML technologies
  • Building and evolving customer-centered products and portfolios, and new product categories
  • Establishing effective, innovative, customer-centered product strategy capabilities and practices for emerging spaces

Product Strategy for Emerging Spaces: UX Strat

The Lan­guage of Dis­cov­ery: Design­ing Big Data Inter­faces and Interactions

Slides for “Big Data Is Not the Insight: The Lan­guage of Dis­cov­ery” shar­ing our evolv­ing per­spec­tive on dis­cov­ery and its rela­tion­ship to big data with the audi­ence at the Enter­prise Search Europe con­fer­ence in Lon­don. Our point of view is rooted in our (ongo­ing) deep research into dis­cov­ery needs and activ­i­ties in both enter­prise and con­sumer domains, and it is always excit­ing to share our lat­est under­stand­ing and insights.

The Lan­guage of Dis­cov­ery: A Toolkit For Design­ing Big Data Interactions

O’Reilly media pub­lished the video record­ing of my pre­sen­ta­tion on The Lan­guage of Dis­cov­ery: A Toolkit For Design­ing Big Data Inter­ac­tions from last year’s (2012) Strata con­fer­ence in NY.

Dis­cov­ery and the Age of Insight: Wal­mart EIM Open House 2013

For the audi­ence at Wal­mart, as part of the broader fram­ing for the Age of Insight, I took the oppor­tu­nity to share find­ings from some of the recent research we’ve done on Data Sci­ence (that’s right, we’re study­ing data sci­ence).  We’ve engaged con­sis­tently with data sci­ence prac­ti­tion­ers for sev­eral years now (some of the field’s lead­ers are alumni of Endeca), as part of our ongo­ing effort to under­stand the chang­ing nature of ana­lyt­i­cal and sense mak­ing activ­i­ties, the peo­ple under­tak­ing them, and the con­texts in which they take place.  We’ve seen the dis­ci­pline emerge from an eso­teric spe­cialty into full main­stream vis­i­bil­ity for the busi­ness com­mu­nity.  Inter­pret­ing what we’ve learned about data sci­ence through a struc­tural and his­toric per­spec­tive lead me to draw a broad par­al­lel between data sci­ence now and nat­ural phi­los­o­phy at its early stages of evolution.

We also shared some excit­ing new mod­els for enter­prise infor­ma­tion engage­ment; craft­ing sce­nar­ios using the lan­guage of dis­cov­ery to describe infor­ma­tion needs and activ­ity at the level of dis­cov­ery archi­tec­ture, IT port­fo­lio plan­ning,  and knowl­edge man­age­ment (which cor­re­spond to UX, tech­nol­ogy, and busi­ness per­spec­tives as applied to larger scales and via busi­ness dia­log) — demon­strat­ing the ver­sa­til­ity of the lan­guage as a source of link­age across sep­a­rate disciplines.

But the pri­mary mes­sage I wanted to share is that dis­cov­ery is the most impor­tant orga­ni­za­tional capa­bil­ity for the era.  More on this in fol­low up post­ings that focus on smaller chunks of the think­ing encap­su­lated in the full deck of slides.

The Lan­guage of Dis­cov­ery: A Toolkit For Design­ing Big Data Experiences

Slides from my pre­sen­ta­tion at Strata NY. I shared quite a bit of new mate­r­ial with the audi­ence at Strata: most notably a new col­lec­tion of mode chains and exam­ple sce­nar­ios cap­tur­ing pat­terns in dis­cov­ery activ­ity in the con­sumer domain, to com­ple­ment our under­stand­ing of and descrip­tive pat­terns for enterprise-centered sense mak­ing.

Design­ing Big Data Interactions

Slides from my talk at UX Aus­tralia.

The Lan­guage of Dis­cov­ery: A Gram­mar For Design­ing Big Data Interactions

I’ve posted the slides from my UXLX talk on the Lan­guage of Dis­cov­ery. From the prac­ti­cal per­spec­tive, if you’re look­ing for a way to describe dis­cov­ery and sense mak­ing needs and activ­i­ties, there’s no bet­ter resource than this.  And the LOD is well-grounded from the method­olog­i­cal and research per­spec­tives, hav­ing roots in HCIR, cog­ni­tive sci­ence, and a num­ber of other aca­d­e­mic dis­ci­plines that con­tribute to the toolkit for under­stand­ing human inter­ac­tion with infor­ma­tion and dis­cov­ery activity.

Also, the Lanyrd page for the talk aggre­gates the slides, sketch notes, and point­ers to some other resources.

Play­ing Well With Oth­ers: Inter­ac­tion Design and Social Design for Aug­mented Reality

Video of my talk “Play­ing Well With Oth­ers: Inter­ac­tion Design and Social Design for Aug­mented Real­ity” at the Web and Beyond 2010 in Ams­ter­dam.  It’s couched as a col­lec­tion of design prin­ci­ples for the oncom­ing cat­e­gory of social aug­mented inter­ac­tions made pos­si­ble by the new medium of aug­mented real­ity.  But this talk is also a call to action for all mak­ers of expe­ri­ences for the emerg­ing engage­ment space of every­ware to focus on the human and the humane per­spec­tives as we explore the new inter­ac­tions made possible.

TWAB2010: Joe Lamantia – Playing well with others: interaction design and social design for augmented reality from Chi Nederland on Vimeo.

Social Interaction Design For Augmented Reality: Patterns and Principles for Playing Well With Others

Slides from my presentation at The Web and Beyond in Amsterdam in 2010.

1) Current AR experiences often lack social maturity and create anti-social interactions, but the technology is still young and can mature rapidly.

2) Nine design principles are proposed to increase the social intelligence of AR, including enhancing rather than replacing social interactions, building experiences that echo human expectations, ensuring AR elements are optional and avoid the uncanny valley.

3) Following local social norms for interactions is emphasized as the most important principle, and a framework is presented showing how AR experiences could evolve to be more socially integrated over time.

Design Prin­ci­ples for Social Aug­mented Real­ity: The Next Wave of AR

My slides for a panel on the social expe­ri­ence of aug­mented real­ity at the Where 2.0 con­fer­ence.  Here I’m con­tend­ing that cur­rent inter­ac­tion design pat­terns and con­cepts that shape most aug­mented real­ity expe­ri­ences are in effect anti-social (tech­ni­cally they show low ‘social matu­rity’), and act as a bar­rier to the adop­tion and evo­lu­tion of the medium.  I sug­gest design prin­ci­ples that will help cre­ate expe­ri­ences that inte­grate with the com­plex­ity or social dynam­ics in the real­time / real­world set­tings for AR.

Design For Goals

The pre­sen­ta­tion por­tion of a half-day tuto­r­ial / work­shop Design For Goals deliv­ered at the JBoye 09 Con­fer­ence. The struc­ture for this tuto­r­ial is part method review (on how to under­stand people’s goals in a struc­tured way), and part shar­ing of re-usable pat­terns found after research­ing goals. Since the con­text of ori­gin for both the goals and pat­terns was com­plex inter­na­tional finance, some trans­la­tion of the raw mate­ri­als and exam­ples and the syn­the­sized pat­terns into a realm closer to home for ordi­nary peo­ple is likely in order. As you’re going through the slides, I sug­gest using your own activ­i­ties that involve infor­ma­tion find­ing and mak­ing sub­stan­tial finan­cial deci­sions as a ref­er­ence.

Search Me: Design­ing Infor­ma­tion Retrieval Experiences

My pre­sen­ta­tion at the 2009 Enter­prise Search Sum­mit in NY.  This case study reviews the meth­ods and insights that emerged from an 18-month effort to coör­di­nate and enhance the scat­tered user expe­ri­ences of a suite of infor­ma­tion retrieval tools sold as ser­vices by a major invest­ment rat­ings agency. The ses­sion shares a method for under­stand­ing audi­ence needs in diverse infor­ma­tion access con­texts; reviews a col­lec­tion of infor­ma­tion retrieval pat­terns, looks at con­cep­tual design meth­ods for user expe­ri­ences, and reviews a set of longer term pat­terns in cus­tomer behav­ior called life­cy­cles, and con­sid­ers the impact of orga­ni­za­tional and cul­tural fac­tors on design deci­sions.

Design­ing Frame­works For Inter­ac­tion and User Expe­ri­ence: IA Sum­mit Work­shop Presentation

My pre­sen­ta­tion from the full-day Beyond Find­abil­ity work­shop deliv­ered at the 2009 IA Sum­mit. This set of mate­ri­als addresses some of the most impor­tant ques­tions for prac­ti­tion­ers con­sid­er­ing a framework-based approach to design: why frame­works mat­ter for user expe­ri­ence and inter­ac­tion design, what frame­works are use­ful for, and how you can work with them effec­tively.   Also a review of the pro­found shifts chang­ing the struc­tural makeup of the dig­i­tal envi­ron­ment, the con­texts and bound­aries of the expe­ri­ences, and the role of pro­fes­sional design­ers.

The Archi­tec­ture of Fun: Mas­sively Social On-line Games

My keynote from the Ital­ian IA Sum­mit, dis­cussing Killzone.com as a lead­ing exam­ple of the next gen­er­a­tion of Mas­sively Social On-line Games.

“What form will the next gen­er­a­tion of inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ences take? The exact nature of the future is always unknown. But now that every­thing is ’social’, and games are a fully legit­i­mate cul­tural phe­nom­e­non more prof­itable and more pop­u­lar than Hol­ly­wood films, we can expect to see the emer­gence of expe­ri­ences that com­bine aspects of games and social media in new ways.”

Frame­works Are the Future

Mate­ri­als for my pre­sen­ta­tion Frame­works are the Future of Design.

“The Web is shift­ing to a DIY [Do It Your­self] model of user expe­ri­ence cre­ation, one where peo­ple assem­ble indi­vid­ual com­bi­na­tions of con­tent gath­ered form else­where for expres­sive, func­tional, and (many) other pur­poses. The rapid growth of wid­gets, the resur­gence of enter­prise por­tals, the spread of iden­tity plat­forms from social net­work des­ti­na­tions to blog­ging ser­vices, and the rapid increase in the num­ber of pub­lic APIs syn­di­cat­ing func­tion­al­ity and data, are all exam­ples of the DIY shift. For design pro­fes­sion­als, the defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic of DIY future is co-creation: the par­tic­i­pa­tion of a broad spec­trum of peo­ple in cre­at­ing expe­ri­ences. In this new world, the role of design­ers is to define the tools co-creators use to assem­ble expe­ri­ences for them­selves and oth­ers. These tools will increas­ingly take the form of design frame­works that define the mod­u­lar com­po­nents of famil­iar struc­tures such as social net­works, func­tional appli­ca­tions, col­lab­o­ra­tion plat­forms, per­son­al­ized dash­boards, and man­age­ment con­soles.“

Effec­tive IA For Enter­prise Portals

“Por­tal design efforts often quickly come to a point where their ini­tial infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture is unable to effec­tively accom­mo­date change and growth in types of users, con­tent, or func­tion­al­ity, thereby low­er­ing the qual­ity of the over­all user expe­ri­ence. This case study style pre­sen­ta­tion will demon­strate how a frame­work of stan­dard­ized infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture build­ing blocks solved these recur­ring prob­lems of growth and change for a series of busi­ness intel­li­gence and enter­prise appli­ca­tion por­tals. In a nar­ra­tive and visual review of the evo­lu­tion of a suite of enter­prise por­tals con­structed for a major global cor­po­ra­tion, par­tic­i­pants will see how the build­ing blocks pro­vided a con­sis­tent and sta­ble frame­work for the design, expan­sion, and even­tual inte­gra­tion of the user expe­ri­ences of nearly a dozen dis­tinct por­tal design efforts.“

The DIY Future: What Hap­pens When Every­one Is a Designer?

My slides from Blogtalk 2008, dis­cussing the shift in design roles and how pro­fes­sional design­ers can respond.

“The ero­sion of tra­di­tional bar­ri­ers to cre­ation marks the onset of the DIY Future, when every­one is a poten­tial designer (or archi­tect, or engi­neer, or author) of inte­grated expe­ri­ences — the hybrid con­structs that com­bine prod­ucts, ser­vices, con­cepts, net­works, and infor­ma­tion in sup­port of evolv­ing func­tional and emo­tional pur­suits.  The cul­tural and tech­no­log­i­cal shifts that com­prise the oncom­ing DIY Future promise sub­stan­tial changes to the envi­ron­ments and audi­ences that design pro­fes­sion­als cre­ate for, as well as the role of design­ers, and the ways that pro­fes­sion­als and ama­teurs alike will design.  One inevitable aspect con­se­quence will be greater com­plex­ity for all involved in the design of inte­grated expe­ri­ences.  The poten­tial rise of new eco­nomic and pro­duc­tion mod­els is another.

The time is right to begin explor­ing aspects of the DIY Future, espe­cially its pro­found impli­ca­tions for infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture and user expe­ri­ence design.  Using the designer’s pow­er­ful fusion of ana­lyt­i­cal per­spec­tive and cre­ative vision, we can bal­ance spec­u­la­tive futur­ism with an under­stand­ing of con­crete prob­lems — such as grow­ing eth­i­cal chal­lenges and how to resolve them — from the present day.”

Video of the pre­sen­ta­tion “The DIY Future” from Ustream.tv. The res­o­lu­tion is low (it was shot with a web­cam) but the audio is good.

More videos of BlogTalk ses­sions here.

Com­mu­ni­cat­ing Con­flict: Design For the Inte­grated Expe­ri­ences of the Future

“What does the future of design hold? Greater eth­i­cal chal­lenges. In the com­ing world of inte­grated expe­ri­ences, design will face increas­ing eth­i­cal dilem­mas born of the con­flicts between broader, diverse groups of users in social media; new hybrids such as the SPIME which bridges the phys­i­cal and vir­tual envi­ron­ments simul­ta­ne­ously, and the DIY shift that changes the role of design­ers from cre­ators of ele­gant point solu­tions, to the authors of ele­gant sys­tems and frame­works used by oth­ers for their own expres­sive and func­tional pur­poses. To bet­ter pre­pare design­ers for the increased com­plex­ity, con­nect­ed­ness, and aware­ness included in the com­ing future, here are some prac­ti­cal sug­ges­tions for eas­ily address­ing con­flict dur­ing the design of inte­grated expe­ri­ences, by using known and famil­iar expe­ri­ence design meth­ods and techniques.

It Seemed Like the Thing To Do At the Time: Social Sys­tems and Failure

The full ver­sion of my pre­sen­ta­tion on state of mind, self-definition, and par­al­lels between indi­vid­ual and soci­etal responses to fail­ure, from the 2007 IA Sum­mit.


Radio Johnny on Aug­mented Reality

Radio Johnny  pub­lished an inter­view recorded shortly before the New Year, dis­cussing aug­mented real­ity, why it’s of inter­est for Expe­ri­ence Design, and some of the areas of likely devel­op­ment we’ll see in AR in the near future.

Listen to the show

Show Time: 25 min­utes 38 seconds

Ubiq­ui­tous Com­put­ing and User Experience

The pod­cast of a group dis­cus­sion on ubiq­ui­tous com­put­ing that includes Steve BatyWill EvansMatthew MilanJohn Tir­mandiJoe SokohlTodd Zaki War­fel.  We share exam­ples, ideas, and ques­tions about the inter­sec­tion of user expe­ri­ence and ubiq­ui­tous com­put­ing. Orga­nized and recorded by  Jeff Parks for Boxes and Arrows.

I hope you enjoy lis­ten­ing as much as we enjoyed record­ing it.

Ethics and Design: Social Media and Conflict

The first of two inter­views talk­ing about ethics, design, social media, and con­flict, recorded by Jeff Parks of I.A. Con­sul­tants and the Box­e­san­dAr­rows pod­cast. Play and down­load the inter­view here. Sub­scribe to the iTunes and feed­burner feeds for the I.A. Pod­cast here.

Ethics and Design: Using Psy­chol­ogy to Design For Conflict

The sec­ond of a two-part inter­view series dis­cussing ethics, design, social media, and con­flict, recorded by Jeff Parks of I.A. Con­sul­tants and the Box­e­san­dAr­rows pod­cast.
Play and down­load the inter­view here.
Sub­scribe to the iTunes and feed­burner feeds for the I.A. Pod­cast here.