
Col­lected articles pub­lished online and in print, across a variety of professional academic / industry and community-driven publications.

Aca­d­e­mic papers on sense-making, HCIR, etc.:

  • Tony Russell-Rose, Joe Laman­tia and Stephann Makri, “Defin­ing and Apply­ing a Lan­guage for Dis­cov­ery“. Springer LNCS Post-Proceedings of AMR 2012, Copenhagen.
  • Tony Russell-Rose, Joe Laman­tia & Mark Bur­rell, “A Tax­on­omy of Enter­prise Search and Dis­cov­ery“. Pro­ceed­ings of HCIR 2011, Cal­i­for­nia, USA, Octo­ber 2011
  • Tony Russell-Rose, Joe Laman­tia & Mark Bur­rell, “A Tax­on­omy of Enter­prise Search“. Pro­ceed­ings of 1st Euro­pean Work­shop on Human-Computer Infor­ma­tion Retrieval, New­cas­tle, July 2011

Book chap­ters and contributions:

My reg­u­lar col­umn “Every­ware: Design For the Ubiq­ui­tous Expe­ri­ence”, for mag­a­zine UX Matters:

On the power of games to cre­ate emo­tion in expe­ri­ences, and how expe­ri­ence design can benefit:

Ongo­ing arti­cles on por­tals and enter­prise appli­ca­tions, from a vari­ety of publications:

A series of arti­cles on the impact of social media on design, with a focus on ethics, also for UX Matters:

A series of arti­cles on tag­ging and the growth and spread of tech­nol­ogy inno­va­tions, for

On being an entre­pre­neur, espe­cially the cul­ture, iden­tity, and decision-making outlook:

Shar­ing a pop­u­lar tool I cre­ated for the design research method card sort­ing (tutorial):
